C++ library for GPU accelerated linear algebra
[top] API Documentation for Bandicoot 1.16.2



Matrix and Vector Classes
Member Functions & Variables
Generated Vectors / Matrices
Functions of Vectors / Matrices
Decompositions, Factorisations, and Inverses
Signal & Image Processing

Matrix and Vector Classes




operators:  +    *  %  /  ==  !=  <=  >=  <  >  &&  ||

Member Functions & Variables


element access via (), [] and .at()

  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)
.zeros( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.zeros( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)

  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)
.ones( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.ones( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)

.eye( n_rows, n_cols )

  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)
.randu( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.randu( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)

  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)
.randn( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.randn( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)

.fill( value )

.clamp( min_value, max_value )

.set_size( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.set_size( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)
.set_size( size(X) )
  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)

.reshape( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)
.reshape( size(X) )
  (member function of Mat)

.resize( n_elem )
  (member function of Col and Row)
.resize( n_rows, n_cols )
  (member function of Mat)
.resize( size(X) )
  (member function of Mat, Col, and Row)


submatrix views

.get_dev_mem( synchronise )

compatibility container functions

.diag( k )








.print( header )

.print( stream )
.print( stream, header )

.raw_print( header )

.raw_print( stream )
.raw_print( stream, header )

Generated Vectors / Matrices

linspace( start, end )
linspace( start, end, N )

logspace( A, B )
logspace( A, B, N )

eye( n_rows, n_cols )
eye( size(X) )

ones( n_elem )
ones( n_rows, n_cols )
ones( size(X) )

zeros( n_elem )
zeros( n_rows, n_cols )
zeros( size(X) )

randu( n_elem )
randu( n_rows, n_cols )
randu( size(X) )

randn( n_elem )
randn( n_elem, distr_param(mu,sd) )

randn( n_rows, n_cols )
randn( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(mu,sd) )

randn( size(X) )
randn( size(X), distr_param(mu,sd) )

randi( n_elem )
randi( n_elem, distr_param(a,b) )

randi( n_rows, n_cols )
randi( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(a,b) )

randi( size(X) )
randi( size(X), distr_param(a,b) )

Functions of Vectors / Matrices

abs( X )

accu( X )

all( V )
all( X )
all( X, dim )

any( V )
any( X )
any( X, dim )

approx_equal( A, B, method, tol )
approx_equal( A, B, method, abs_tol, rel_tol )

as_scalar( expression )

clamp( X, min_val, max_val )

conv_to< type >::from( X )

cross( A, B )

val = det( A )   (form 1)
det( val, A )   (form 2)

diagmat( V )
diagmat( V, k )

diagmat( X )
diagmat( X, k )

diagvec( X )
diagvec( X, k )

dot( A, B )

find( X )
find( X, k )
find( X, k, s )

find_finite( X )

find_nonfinite( X )

find_nan( X )

index_min( V )
index_min( M )
index_min( M, dim )
index_min( Q )
index_min( Q, dim )
       index_max( V )
index_max( M )
index_max( M, dim )
index_max( Q )
index_max( Q, dim )

join_rows( A, B )
join_rows( A, B, C )
join_rows( A, B, C, D )
join_cols( A, B )
join_cols( A, B, C )
join_cols( A, B, C, D )
       join_horiz( A, B )
join_horiz( A, B, C )
join_horiz( A, B, C, D )
join_vert( A, B )
join_vert( A, B, C )
join_vert( A, B, C, D )

min( V )
min( M )
min( M, dim )
min( Q )
min( Q, dim )
min( A, B )
       max( V )
max( M )
max( M, dim )
max( Q )
max( Q, dim )
max( A, B )

norm( X )
norm( X, p )

normalise( V )
normalise( V, p )

normalise( X )
normalise( X, p )
normalise( X, p, dim )

pow( A, scalar )   

repmat( A, num_copies_per_row, num_copies_per_col )

reshape( X, n_rows, n_cols )
reshape( X, size(Y) )

resize( X, n_rows, n_cols )
resize( X, size(Y) )

shuffle( V )
shuffle( X )
shuffle( X, dim )

size( X )
size( n_rows, n_cols )

sort( V )
sort( V, sort_direction )

sort( X )
sort( X, sort_direction )
sort( X, sort_direction, dim )

sort_index( X )
sort_index( X, sort_direction )

stable_sort_index( X )
stable_sort_index( X, sort_direction )

sum( V )
sum( M )
sum( M, dim )

symmatu( A )
symmatl( A )

trace( X )

trans( A )

vectorise( X )
vectorise( X, dim )

miscellaneous element-wise functions:

trigonometric element-wise functions (cos, sin, tan, ...)

Decompositions, Factorisations, and Inverses

R = chol( X)   
chol(R, X)   

vec eigval = eig_sym( X )

eig_sym( eigval, X )

eig_sym( eigval, eigvec, X )

lu( L, U, P, X )
lu( L, U, X )

B = pinv( A )
B = pinv( A, tolerance )

pinv( B, A )
pinv( B, A, tolerance )

X = solve( A, B )

solve( X, A, B )

s = svd( X )

svd( s, X )

svd( U, s, V, X )

Signal & Image Processing

conv( A, B )
conv( A, B, shape )

conv2( A, B )
conv2( A, B, shape )


mean, median, stddev, var, range

cov( X, Y )
cov( X, Y, norm_type )

cov( X )
cov( X, norm_type )

cor( X, Y )
cor( X, Y, norm_type )

cor( X )
cor( X, norm_type )


backend configuration

constants (pi, inf, eps, ...)


output streams

uword, sword

Examples of Matlab/Octave syntax and conceptually corresponding Bandicoot syntax

Armadillo/Bandicoot adaptation guide

example program


direct linking

kernel cache

History of API Additions, Changes and Deprecations
